Leading Our Children to God

Parents reading Bible to children

Part of my husband’s and my courtship consisted of sitting on tiny chairs in the children’s section of a bookstore, reading pictures books to each other.

We were homeschool curriculum junkies before we even had children.

We went to a homeschool convention when I was expecting our first child.

So we were pretty hyped about schooling our own children. When we had the opportunity, we asked a friend who was one of the early homeschooling pioneers (back when the companies wouldn’t let you buy the teacher’s editions) what she would recommend we do to prepare for the homeschooling years ahead of us.

Her answer has stuck with me for the thirty-plus years since she graciously counseled us. I don’t remember her exact words, but she very wisely encouraged us to grow in our love for Jesus and His Word, and to grow in our loving obedience to Him.

It’s so true, and not just for homeschooling parents. If we’re going to work with God in raising up godly children, we need to be committed, obedient followers of Jesus ourselves. We need to love the Lord our God with all our hearts and souls and might. (Deut. 6:5) His Word needs to be in our hearts. (Deut. 6:6)

If we love Him, if we love His Word and delight in obeying it, we will be able to come alongside our children and show them what following Jesus looks like. They will learn from us as we live together.

We can only lead them where we are choosing to go ourselves.


(Photo by Peter Mahar Photography)



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